Who We Are
We are a group that participates in various activities to maintain and improve Estabrook Park. |
We have cooperated with the Milwaukee County Parks Department and the Milwaukee Historical Society in maintaining this historic park. We have sponsored nature walks for the community, have replanted several degraded areas and have constructed trails and repaired stairs, have participated in weedouts and river cleanups.
We have been around since 2008 and have had a formal structure since 2012. The by-laws call for a board of directors and officers as well as members. We can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected] .
Board members present - H Schmidt, C Morse, D Pollock & A Dressel Absent - H Tomasiewicz & G Wyder
Meeting called to order at 7:03
Minutes of 3/20/24 reviewed and approved with date changes noted
Fiscal - no new report, Have expended about $10,000 on steins and the tunnel repair.
Membership - Carolyn requested that we separate our memberships between direct FOE Members and those who join through the BG loyalty program. Harold will contact Business manager.
Farmers Market - Donna is in charge of our table at the market. She will set up a schedule after determining activities and leaders. Volunteers needed to sit at the table.
Tunnel Project - In process, estimated completion date is June 30th.
FOE swag - Steins available at $20. T-shirts to be given away.
Work Crew - Three hundred trees planted in April. Should complete clearing invasives along ZIP line to Shorewood Scar by July. Pollinator Palooza - considered a success, but it needs better ancillary programing to push attendance up.
Forb Planting - proposal not accepted originally but there is some optimism for 2025. Need at least 2 acres of land to qualify. Henry piecing together sections.
Biergarten Picnics - 5:30 to - 7:30 Tuesdays June 18th, July 16th and September 10. Free beer for FOE members.
Corrao Discussion Notes - the notes were not finalized at the time of the meeting but there was a general discussion. Finalized notes attached to March and May minutes.
Park Improvement Project (PIP) submitted for fall tree planting
August Board Meeting Change - Due to scheduling problems the Meeting scheduled for August has been moved to Wednesday, September 4th at the Biergarten.
Weekly Notices to Members - It is clear that we have some problem getting the word out to People about our activities. As an example, only 3 people showed up for each of our 2 spring weed-outs. Carolyn has volunteered to send more regular communications - perhaps bi-weekly.
Trash bucket - Andrew suggested we install and regularly empty a small bucket near the river where we see a lot of trash. A 10 gallon pail will be installed.
Friends Groups Mixer - Andrew also suggested a meeting of members from all Friends groups to share information. Harold will pass the idea on to the Director
ATTACHMENT TO MARCH 20, 2024 FOE BOARD MEETING (Notes of Paul Corrao Discussion)
Several questions were put to Paul Corrao (Regional manager) at the Board meeting with the responses requiring clarification and a follow-up visit to the comfort station at the south end of the park. The info below reflects the answers to our questions and actions Parks will take in response to our requests.
1) Equipment, staffing & funding - Funding has increased. Each of the three County Parks Regions is receiving 3 full time staff. There are no significant Equipment needs .
2) Deferred Maintenance - A. Comfort station in picnic area 2 is in disrepair and scheduled for Demolition. B. Maintenance building is cleaned out and ready for new utilization. Might be used as a sub-station until a new tenant is found. C. Comfort station in picnic area 8 remains viable. FOE requested a tour and had some maintenance questions. (See below). D The Biergarten parking lot is being added to the pending maintenance list for resurfacing
3) Reducing turf grass - Both Paul & Jacob are supportive of reducing the mowed area.
Sara Long is the Reforestation Coordinator that we need to contact.
4) Closing Park Drive - No plans to close the Drive for other than special events.
5) Enforcement of leash law- Problematic but the Rangers can & do issue tickets.
FOE requested more signage on the leash requirement. Relatedly, Parks has agreed to order some poop bag stations for the Park.
6) Trail signage re: dogs and bikes - Parks agreed to install signage prohibiting dogs off leash and biking at each end of the dirt trails along the river.
7) Ash tree management and Replacement - Based on need not a schedule. Jeff Gollner is the Contact for trees.
8) Hoop house for growing plants in the maintenance yard could be OK depending on the
9) No Parking on Grass Signs - Parks will seek out signs and install by picnic areas. Rangers
Can issue parking tickets
10) Pin Placement for Disc Golf Hole 10 - The current placement across a trail that cannot be Seen from the tee pad making it hazardous. FOE requested that it be removed.
11) The OLT is subject to severe icing in the winter on the steep downhills on 2 spots - the area Between picnic area 6 and the DEA & west of the soccer fields on the south end. FOE Requested that a ditch, French drain, or other remedy be installed. Parks said they Would study the options.
12) FOE requested permission to clear and replant the wet area below the soccer fields east Of the OLT. Park staff were in agreement with the concept but said it needed to be Cleared with Natural Areas staff.
South Comfort Station
The interior looks pretty good with brick walls, windows to the north & south, electric and A heat source. Area split in two by a wire fence. Approximately 400 sq feet. Working Toilets in separate rooms to north and south. Exterior needs work - there is a work order In for the doors & there are no rain gutters. FOE requested that Parks get an estimate For gutters. Gutters would help prevent further deterioration to the foundation. Overall The building has potential.
For additional information you can visit our Facebook page