Who We Are
We are a group that participates in various activities to maintain and improve Estabrook Park. |
We have cooperated with the Milwaukee County Parks Department and the Milwaukee Historical Society in maintaining this historic park. We have sponsored nature walks for the community, have replanted several degraded areas and have constructed trails and repaired stairs, have participated in weedouts and river cleanups.
We have been around since 2008 and have had a formal structure since 2012. The by-laws call for a board of directors and officers as well as members. We can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected] .
Board Present - H Schmidt, C Morse, G Wyder, H Tomasiewicz, D Pollock, A Dressel, A Larsen
Meeting called to order at 7:08pm. Minutes of 09/04/24 reviewed and approved.
2024 FISCAL - Total under budget with $21,454 Balance
MEMBERSHIP - C Morse and A Larsen will continue their membership efforts with a focus on
engagement and relevant messaging
FARMERS MARKET - D Pollock received many signups, but we did not sell any FOE Mugs. D. Pollock to report her volunteer hours.
WORK CREW - Weed-outs continue to be lightly attended but with good work being done;
Butterfly areas are being targeted for clearing; The membership efforts could drive further attendance at work crew meetings; suggestion to recruit High School students for volunteer hours
PIP - 45 Trees planted and protected, will continue tree planting efforts in the new year
DUCK FEEDING - Park prohibition sign posted; new painted sign will wait until post winter to install
BUTTERFLY HABITAT - H Tomasiewicz to liaise with Haley, will be a multi park effort, hopeful to be ready for a fall planting in 2025. H Tomasiewicz to apply for 4-5k Forbs.
PIP for 2025:- Waiting Parks formal approval on Spring tree planting; the board approved committing $2000 for Fall tree planting commit 7 ayes, 0 opposed the ayes have it
- H Schmidt to conduct further research on #25 ($300) v B&B ($475) v Nursery Trees ($700) pro/con to decide best use of funds (Possibly ~$7k)
- Possible KBT Landscaping (not interested in Patio Repair)
- South Comfort Station - Assessment on what can be done (doors, gutters), push Parks to do needed repairs
MAINTENANCE YARD - Same as previous minutes H Tomasiewicz and D Pollock, referenced a Glendale contact; would need grants. Hans Weissgerber should be kept in the loop.
GRANT POSSIBILITY - Shorewood Men's Club; grants in $3 to 5K range -, could be bench,
Information Kiosk(s) 3 sided, something that can have a "dedicated by" plaque.
ANNUAL MEETING - H Schmidt to secure Blatz Building, aiming for 1/22. Approx 7p-9p.
Possible MMSD speaker to be invited. Inform FOE members of this event. Input from Board on setting and menu appreciated
SPRING TREE PLANTING - Expectation is PIP submission will be approved
WINTER NEWSLETTER - Highlight revamped member and volunteer opportunities. A. Dressel to submit article on interesting park species and on his Monday Morning Nature Walks to put in Newsletter and on website. Submissions due by 12/10.
OTHER - Check with and push parks toward no mountain biking and no off leash dogs signage,
A Dressel could source cut steel signs, if we were allowed to put them up.
Meeting adjourned 8:48pm.
For additional information you can visit our Facebook page